(Two days before I moved I woke up, slid out of bed and looked down. Then I nearly cried. The big pot of grass has been there for three years, surrounded by whatever Reva and I planted on the wall. But the red petunia.... I knew was her final gift of flowers in that place. What a wonderful thing.....)
I am sitting in a new room. Keith, the old friend has come up from Kentucky to make sure the computer works, the bed is made...
well, in fact, that the move happened at all.
Deb, as you might remember from Christmas posts popped in to help yesterday, and then overheard me say something that made her decide to stay overnight and climb these three floors quite a few more times than she did yesterday. And she took care of Meander as the BIG move was made..... shuttling him from one apartment to the other to keep him calm.
There is nothing of anything I know, here, and yet I'm a half a block away from five years passed. There are no lake sights and sounds to sleep or wake to... though, when I walk Meander out in the morning it's the first thing I see. There is no soothing friend upstairs.... and there are windows and porches encroaching everywhere I look. Some, ten feet (if that) away.
And yet... I'm home. Everyone who has come in has spontaneously said they like it.... and I've been in some BAD places (for me, anyway) and I've lived somewhere I truly believe was my home in a previous life. This place is neither of those. It just seems to fit the canine and I for the moment and I (at least) am, so far, happy.
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