Wednesday, June 29, 2011

First Days

No pictures yet. Much is still in boxes, though all the books are on the shelves (which is amazing, as I note that I gave away/sold four bookcases worth).

The bed is made, the air conditioner in (thank God, as Friday is supposed to be Hell and I do mean to imply temperature) and the computer is (obviously) set up. All of this is due to Keith. He wouldn't leave on moving day, without those things accomplished.

The move has not been without disaster, however. I am now 65 years old due to aging caused by this....

Jay and I brought Meander to the old place as a pup. It's all he's ever known and it was on the first floor. He had to walk up and down about 8 steps to go out. This place is on the third floor and the steps are different: slanted at the top and bottom and straight through the middle.

I came home the other day with bags in my hand and he rushed past me as I opened the door, and started to go down. My immediate response was to call him back and he tried to obey, and in doing it... fell all the way down the steps. I remember the moment...
standing, listening, steeling myself for whatever... and then running blindly down the flight to find him upright.

There was a lot of hugging and petting. He has a scrape on his leg and one on his head, but so far, he's fine. I, on the other hand, did lose those ten years.


I hope you've accepted my invitation to life here. If you have, thank you for coming.

Hopefully now, I'm over the worst part.

1 comment:

  1. Well, for what it's worth, I'm here…and there, too—vicariously—in spirit, at least. I glad you've made the move and had the help you needed to manage the effort. Glad, too, you didn't have to move on your own. Though it may fall short of your old place in several ways—location, neighbors, history—it sounds like there's a good mood or atmosphere about these new digs; everyone likes it, and that's a telling indicator. Maybe you need this fresh start in a new, good place to help you heal and build a better future. I believe you and Meander will be happy and do well there—like one of your plants that has been selected, purchased and moved elsewhere, you'll soon settle in, start putting down roots, find energy and growth and a more verdant life. Why, I wouldn't be surprised to hear that's you're blooming! In fact, I expect to.

    I'm really happy for you, Robin. Find the good in this new place and hold it tight. Choose joy over regrets, future over past; make tomorrow's possibilities better than yesterday's history. Embrace the adventure of your life.

    Congratulations! Just don't think this gets you off the hook for keeping in touch… :-)

    P.S.Love the new Blogger blog.
